UFO Hunters Ultimate WWII Weapons Underwater Universe Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation Vikings WWII in HD Washington When Big Things Go Wrong When Big Things Go Wrong World Series Fix!: The Black Sox Scandal New Episodes Mondays 9/8c; Stream Next Day ...
Between 1947 and 1969, at the height of the Cold War, more than 12,000 UFO sightings were reported to Project Blue Book, a small, top-secret Air Force team. Their mission? To scientifically investigate the incidents and determine whether any posed a national security threat. Here are some ...
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Podcast: UFO Hunting in the Photoshop Age September 21, 2018/Leave a comment From: http://ufotheater.com/ufo-channel-reviews/ufo-black-list/ Bloomberg’s podcastDecrypted, hosted by Austin Weinstein and Pia Gadkari, hasrecently taken a look at ufology in the digital age of photoshop.(Full ...
YOU 'RE WELCOME, HISTORY CHANNEL David Flynn 's original research regarding the link between Roswell, Mt. Herman, UFOs… 1 Events of 1947; 2 Growing interest, 1978 – 1994. 2.1 Friedman's initial work; 2.2 Books. 2.2.1 The Roswell Incident (1980) 2.2.2 UFO Crash at Roswell (...
Apollo Missions UFO's (Green UFO) & The US Capitol Building (Introduction) The basis of the US Capitol Green UFO Research UFO Colors: Motion PIctures Special Effects and 3D Game Development/Boris Fx-AVID byPeter Woronoff,A.T.R, B.C.(Author),Karin Marcattilio(Author),W. G. Allen(Illust...
John Ventre had no interest in unidentified flying objects untilhe decided to write a science...By SmithCraig SmithCraig
The History Channel NOT A REAL VIKING WOMAN! The actual scholarly article, “Warriors and Women: The Sex Ratio of Norse Migrants to Eastern England up to 900 AD” byShane McLeodhas nothing to do with female Viking warriors. It only tangentially relates to warriors at all. He’s talking abo...
I Know I am late a moment ago I came to know about that 2nd July was UFO day, I am really very flatter to know about this day in my school days I was very much curious about the galaxy , the unknown mysterious world, other planets , aliens then with the time I am distracted from...
i’m 14 and i like learning about ancient civilizations. 9 times out of ten when i flick over to the history channel i find things like “ice road truckers”, “monster quest” “top shot” and “UFO hunters”. although i am sure these shows appeal to lots of viewers, i would barely...