The History Channel: Civil War - Great Battles First ReleasedFeb 11, 2003 PC Rally your troops and lead the counter-attack in this game of military strategy. Developed by: Published by: Activision Genre(s): Strategy Teen Violence Videos ...
History Channel: Legends of War - Patton 历史频道:中世纪伟大战争The History Channel: Great Battles Medieval The Civil War A Nation Divided Cestos The History Channel: Civil War - Great Battles The History Channel: Alamo - Fight for Independence...
Bible Battles Big Easy Motors Billion Dollar Wreck Black Patriots: Buffalo Soldiers Black Patriots: Heroes of the Civil War Black Patriots: Heroes of the Revolution Blood Diamonds Born Tough: Inside the Ford Factory Brad Meltzer's Decoded
History Channel DVDs Civil War Reenactments Confederate Johnny Cakes Visitor Top Picks Books DVDs Original Works Joe Ryan What Caused The Civil War? The Origin And Object Of The Civil War What is War Good For? General Grant's Vicksburg Campaign ...
1862 Antietam - The Civil War's Bloodiest Day At the time of this landmark battle in the American Civil War, the Confederacy seems poised to achieve its goal of independence; the protracted struggle between North and South; how a marginal Union victory nevertheless alters the course o...
History Channel - Civil War, The: The Battle of Bull Run - Take Command: 1861,History Channel, The: Battle of Britain - World War II 1940,Hearts of Iron III,Hearts of Iron,Great War Nations: The Spartans,Great Battles of WWII: Stalingrad,Flashpoint Germany,Hegemony Gold: Wars of Ancient...
American Civil War, four-year war (1861–65) fought between the United States and 11 Southern states that seceded to form the Confederate States of America. It arose out of disputes over slavery and states’ rights. When antislavery candidate Abraham Lin
Battle of Britain, during World War II, the successful defense of Great Britain against unremitting and destructive air raids conducted by the German air force from July through September 1940, after the fall of France. Learn more about the Battle of Bri
Irma Lee McElroy, formerly an office worker, took a position at the Naval Air Base in Corpus Christi, Texas during the war. Her position was a civil service employee, and here she is seen painting the American insignia on airplane wings. ...
World War II has been featured so much that at times the History Channel seemed in danger of becoming the “all Hitler, all the time” network. But the channel takes pains to span time, with shows on the ancient Egyptians to the Crusades through the Civil War, two world wars and Vietna...