What changes over time? Planning history and institutional change from a policy design perspectiveView further author informationhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-6851-6132byeongsun.ahn@univie.ac.atByeongsun Ahn
societies politically organized) took form through the conquestof one group by another, and the establishment of a continuing force over theconquered by the conqueror; his decrees were their first laws
一、按时间段早晚顺序的变化(Changes by time period) 晚期原始日耳曼语时期(Late Proto-Germanic period) 西北日耳曼语时期(Northwest Germanic period) 西日耳曼语时期(West Germanic period) 因格沃内语和盎格鲁-弗里西语时期(Ingvaeonic and Anglo-Frisian period) 古英语时期(Old English period) 中世英语时期(The...
This page documents the full history of changes over time since migration to a web presentation. This history includes changes for all platforms: console, PC, mobile and the Creators Program.Change HistoryExpandir tabla DateDocument versionChange description July 1, 2024 12.2 Minor update to XR-...
Negotiating historical events (such as the outbreak of wars or changes in property law), the 'female husbands' of the eighteenth century, the 'Romantic Friends' of the nineteenth and the 'New Women' of the twentieth all forged new lesbian identities. Their shared history is made up of ...
The history of a work item records who created the item, what changes were made, and the reasons behind those changes. This information is essential for tracking the evolution of an item over time. When adding entries to the history field, include detailed information to help the next work ...
To summarize, we uncovered history effects in the model that are due to statistical changes in the observed samples. The overall statistical structure adapts on a long timescale, while small biases can arise on a short time scale. Figure 5 The model exhibits long- and short-term history ...
life history traits probably have low heritability because they are influenced by many loci (which inflates bothVAandVP) while at the same time harboring substantial amounts of residual variationVR, for example variation due to changes in the environment (which inflatesVPbut notVA) (Houle 1992,...
the Great Changes in the First Decade of the New Era 十九大以来的五年,是极不寻常、极不平凡的五年。党中央统筹中华民族伟大复兴战略全局和世界百年未有之大变局,召开七次全会,分别就宪法修改,深化党和国家机构改革,坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,制定“十四五”规划和二〇三...
“It’s an incredibly ambitious book with a huge range. It presents this world in its full complexity. It’s an incredibly compelling read and it changes the way you see the world.” Read more... Best History Books of 2021 Paul Lay, Historian Buy now Listen now Aftermath: Life in ...