按:本文据E·Panofsky《The History of Art as A Humanistic Discipline》英文原本及傅志强译本《作为人文主义一门学科的美术史》(见《视觉艺术的含义》,潘诺夫斯基著,傅志强译。辽宁人民出版社美学译文丛书,1987年)、曹意强译本《作为人文学科的美术史》(范景中校)整理而成。一般字句差异不在条辨之列。至若概念性名...
Art HistoryArt ProductsChildrens ArtEducational EquipmentElementary EducationFreehand DrawingIndustrializationMaterial CultureParent RoleAN ARTIFACT AS HISTORYdoi:10.2307/3193781Walter Pinto and Peter SmithArt EducationPinto W. & Smith P. (1999) An artifact as history in art education: The chautaqua ...
later painting history; the paradigmatic importance of the master-to-follower lineage as a social force in shaping the continuity and directing the subtle changes in Chinese painting history; the role of collectors; and the critical necessity of authenticated works for establishing an accurate art ...
Charles ought to know that as Englishhistoryshows, it is kings, not republicans, who are the monarchy’s worst enemies. 出自-2015年考研阅读原文 A smart phone may contain an arrestee’s readinghistory, financialhistory, medicalhistoryand comprehensive records of recent correspondence. ...
Art 【*】Art seems to appear in human history as far back as 30,000 years ago. We say the earliest cave paintings are art, but what do we mean by “art”? A bone fish hook(钩)obviously required skill and creativity to make. ___26__ 【*】For the person who creates it, art exp...
You’ll find pieces by local jewellers, ceramicists, sculptors, photographers and glassworkers as you browse local stores. Keep an eye out for artist’s studios and gallery spaces for a chance to meet the artists or see them at work. Māori carvers work in wood, bone and pounamu greenst...
asadbjs / history asaf / history ash1247 / history assc-ryan / history AurorNZ / history awaisab172 / history axiijs / history aymen3009 / history Azaeres / history azsx0020 / history bagasstrongman / history bajzarpa / history
Standing in front of her works, Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced the art of stone shadow carving to Russian President Vladimir Putin as "embroidery on stone instead of silk." Xi also praised the women of Huian, referring to them as being "hardworking, unpretentious and determined." The...
art, society, and morality. He demonized the giant that was the Industrial Revolution and blamed it for the dehumanization of art and for the allowance of modern subservient labor within the factory system. Ruskin's rejection of the machine influenced many as he pushed for the re-birth of ...
Major public galleries house historic and modern New Zealand art collections as well as visiting international exhibitions, while dealer galleries offer in-demand and up-and-coming artists. You’ll find pieces by localjewellers, ceramicists, sculptors, photographers and glassworkersas you browse local...