It features inline multimedia, an easy to use GUI, and visual elements for web designers to make use of. Soon after launch, Mosaic would become the most popular browser on the market. The Origin of the IMG Tag Why is it the <img> tag instead of the <image> tag? The answer, it ...
Include build origin in verbose output by bashonly, Grub4K Only ensure playlist thumbnail dir if writing thumbs (#8373) by bashonly update: Overhaul self-updater by bashonly, Grub4K Extractor changes Do not smuggle http_headers by coletdjnz Do not test truth value of xml.etree.ElementTree.Ele...
git push origin main --force || echo "Push failed, but continuing" env: TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }} # 使用存储在仓库密钥中的 TOKEN # 步骤6:创建新的发布 - name: Get current timestamp id: get_timestamp run: echo "time=$(date +%s)" >> $GITHUB_ENV # 获取当前时间的 UNIX 时间...
Don't fail if any of the path objects are nil (#2325) Instantiate all descendants for converters and generators, not just direct subclasses (#2334) Replace all instances of with site.title in site template (#2324) Jekyll::Filters#time now accepts UNIX timestamps in string or nu...
youtube-dlis a command-line program to download videos from and a few more sites. It requires the Python interpreter, version 2.6, 2.7, or 3.2+, and it is not platform specific. It should work on your Unix box, on Windows or on macOS. It is released to the public domain...
Thecheckoutstep is the beginning of the rebase as Git moves HEAD to the new base, the tip of the upstreamorigin/master(here at commit baa5d906). Therebasesteps replay commits 1, 2, and 3 at the new location, and in the final step, the localmasterbranch (full ref namerefs/heads/mast...
The Try It Out function causes a cross-origin (CORS) request to be made from the workstation to the IBM z/OS Connect server. Swagger UI is changed to use browser credentials in CORS requests if an Authorization header value is not manually specified. This change allows the browser to promp...
Tested year 2036 rollover for NTP timestamps, and year 2038 rollover for 32-bit Unix timestamps. Verified that NTP will work with years 1900-2104, and that 32-bit Unix timestamps will work correctly with years 1970-2106. Calculations using Domain Time (DT2) timestamps work correctly with...
The Boolean property FieldsOrigin is deprecated Bug with AV when using custom constraints is fixed Bug with using FilterSQL in the SmartFetch mode is fixed Bug with editing data in TVirtualQuery having TVirtualTable as a source is fixed Bug with mapping an error when a query contains fu...
git log --dirstat summarizes the amount of change in subdirectories (it can take a number of parameters controlling how the summarization is done): $ git log --dirstat commit 4dd1530f (tag: mit-krb5-1.10.3, origin/MIT) Author: Richard E. Silverman <> Date: Mon Jan...