Malcolm X Malcolm X 487 votes In this 1992 biopic directed by Spike Lee, we see a dynamic portrayal of the influential civil rights leader, exploring his early life, conversion to Islam, and role within the Nation of Islam. The film humanizes him by delving into his per...
Over 100 filmgoers have voted on the 160+ films on Best Movies About Black History, Ranked. Current Top 3: Selma, Harriet, Just Mercy
Malcolm X’s daughter and her lawyers announced they filed a $100 million lawsuit against the US government on Friday for the assassination of the Black resistance leader. 1 month ago Well-preserved remains of saber-toothed kitten found frozen in Russian tundra Scientists have discovered a pristine...
This Thursday marks the 48th anniversary of Malcolm X'sassassination at the age of 39. In most...Gerritt, Jeff
Malcolm X’s politics also earned him the ire of theFBI, who conducted surveillance of him from his time in prison until his death.J. Edgar Hoovereven told the agency’sNew Yorkoffice to “do something about Malcolm X.” Read more
The duck and cover, hysteria about the atom bomb 196os Dr. Strangelove Stanley Kubric, George C. Scott The surrealistic pounding of emotions over the bomb 196os Malcolm X Denzel Washington The black civil rights activist portrayed 196os Full Metal Jacket Stanley Kubrick, Matthew Mo...
The significant role of Malcolm X in the Black Power movementQuestions and answers about Malcolm X.(more)See all videos for this article Born in Nebraska, while an infant Malcolm moved with his family to Lansing, Michigan. When Malcolm was six years old, his father, the Rev. Earl Little,...
When you hear the white man bragging, "I'm a Christian9," he's bragging about being a white man. Then you have the Negro. When he is bragging about being a Christian, he's bragging that he's a white man, or he wants to be white, and usually those Negroes who brag7 like that...
-- Ever since Malcolm X was killed, every detail of his life has been scoured. At least that's what Malcolm Burnley thought ... until, as a senior at Brown University, he discovered a story about a campus visit. "Reading his autobiography was a really big moment in my adolescence," ...
What I dislike about them is that they take a disproportionate amount of people’s attention. It’s very easy for someone to come to the event, see the branding and marketing campaign by X brand, and think that’s all SXSW is about. What’s often overlooked, we’re doing 40 to 50 ...