The aim of this essay is to locate the ongoing resurgence of Anzac Day in the context of neoliberalistculture since the late 1980s. Approaching to the centenary years of the First World War, theAnzac tradition is capturing the interests as a subject of historical studies. Some historians argue...
Alternatives existed in the form a tree-lined avenue with each tree representing a soldier or sometimes a...doi:10.1111/j.1478-0542.2012.00862.xBruce ScatesRae FrancesKeir ReevesFrank BongiornoSimon SleightHistory Compass
Why do we get so emotional about ANZAC? Lake M and Reynolds H 2010 What's wrong with Anzac: the militarisation of Australian history University of New South Wales Press, Sydneyb, `Introduction: What Have You Done For Your Country?' In What's Wrong with Anzac? The ... J Damousi 被引...
aAlthough Anzac Day, the anniversary of the first day of conflict, does not mark a military triumph, it does remind us of a very important episode in New Zealand's history. Great suffering was caused to a small country by the loss of so many of its young men. But the Gallipoli ...
Run for an Anzac. Camp under the stars for an Anzac. Is there anything Australians won't do to keep the Anzac legend at the centre of our national story? Standing firm on the other side of the enthusiasts is a chorus ... More »...
What is the history of Labour Day in Pakistan? What is the history of Groundhog Day? What is the history of Thanksgiving in America? What is the history of the MassKara Festival? What is the history of batik? What is the history of Anzac day?
Today is Anzac Day - 25 April 2022. What began at 4:30 am on 25 April 1915 lives in the collective memory of... Rare Lemnos Gallipoli Photographic Exhibition on April 25, 2022 Apr 8, 2022 The Lemnian Community of Victoria is proud to host an upcoming exhibition of photographs taken by...
Ypres had been attacked by considerable German forces but held its ground and remained part of the Allies’ front line until November 1917 when the line was joined by Anzac and Canadian soldiers, going on to reach Passendale, thus breaching the German army’s hold on the Ypres Salient in th...
Today is ANZAC Day Down Under and we remember the sacrifice of lives in service of their country. We also remember that these deaths left behind tragedy and sorrow among their families and communities around our own country. Memorials play a part of possibly every town in Australia as few fam...
Probably the most significant national secular celebration is Anzac Day on 25 April. This is a public holiday that commemorates the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps landing at Gallipoli in Turkey in 1915. However, the event now encompasses participants in all wars in which Australia has been...