Tianjin real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
Shangqiu real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
Global historical weather data, 15-day weather forecasts & climate summaries in JSON, CSV & Excel via download & Weather API
Note: Actual official high and low records may vary slightly from our data, if they occured in-between our weather recording intervals...More about our weather records Nicholasville (historical) Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours
* Reported 1月26日 (日) 12時54分 — 2月10日 (一) 12時54分, Bridgeport (historical). Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 Note: Actual official high and low records may vary slightly from our data, if they occured in-between our weather recording intervals...More about our weather recor...
Is there a weather app that also shows the historical data? E.g. it’s 20C today. The historic average for today in May is 19C, humidity is etc etc? Preferable the weather app has this kind Of data internationally, not just in the US. Is there such an app?You...
Historical Brisbane Weather Data Mean tempMax average tempMin average tempMean rainfallWind speed average Summer (December / January / February)28.4°C29.2°C20.4°C150.4mm10.9 km/h Autumn ( March / April / May)21.1°C25.8°C16.4°C102.3mm9.2 km/h ...
For this task, climate risk assessment increasingly uses model chains, which mainly build on data from the last few decades. The past record of events could play a role in this context. New numerical techniques can make use of historical weather data to simulate impacts quantitatively. However,...
Originally launched as "APIXU" in 2015,weatherstackwas one of the first self-service based REST API providers in world weather data field. Through the years, our team has made every effort to ensure the highest possible level of data quality for both real-time weather, historical data as wel...
Jiujiang's Historical Weather More historical data Jiujiang Outlook Jiujiang is located in a subtropical monsoon climate zone, with an annual average temperature of 16-17°C and an annual rainfall of 1300-1600 mm, of which more than 40% are concentrated in the second quarter; the annual frost...