Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Hourly past weather, almanac for Toronto including historical temperature, wind, rain, pressure and humidity stats |
New Canada real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
The Old Farmer's Almanacweather history tool provides access to weather reports from over 1,300 weather stations in cities across the United States and Canada, reporting on past temperatures, precipitation, snow, pressure, dew point, and wind speeds. ...
There is a growing need for past weather and climate data to support science and decision-making. This paper describes the compilation and construction of a global multivariable (air temperature, pressure, precipitation sum, number of precipitation days) monthly instrumental climate database that encomp...
温尼伯美术馆天气-9℃/0℃ Canada Life Centre天气-9℃/0℃ 阿西尼博因公园天气-9℃/0℃ Winnipeg Convention Centre天气-9℃/0℃ Kildonan Park天气-9℃/0℃ Scotiabank Theatre - Winnipeg天气-9℃/0℃ Landmark Cinemas 8 Grant Park天气-9℃/0℃ St Vital Park天气-9℃/0℃ Club Regent Casino天...
地址: 2 3 St NE, Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0, Canada 类型: 博物馆 场馆展馆 游玩时间: 1-2小时 电话: +1 403-548-6260 开放时间: 全年 周二, 周四 13:00-16:00开放 详情请点击 >> 我要提问|更多 当地问答 6岁半,1.15m的身高,需要买票吗 观光车两岁孩子不到1m要收费吗 玩大转盘有身高限...
the first containing data up through 1920, with each successive release containing data for another decade starting with 1921–1930. Since its inception, WWR has been produced by three different institutions: the Smithsonian Institution (1927, 1934, 1947); the U.S. Weather Bureau (1959, 1967);...
This study was conducted to characterize potato yield responses to water supply by treating the 2001–2018 potato yields in Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada as the results of an un-replicated irrigation experiment with growing season (GS) precipitation as irrigation water supply and utilize the ...
In 1980 he was convicted of having violated the civil rights of people thought to be associated with members of the Weather Underground, by ordering FBI agents to break into their homes and search the premises as part of an attempt to prevent bombings. He was ordered to pay a fine, but ...
Weather data are 0.5° global grids text-formatted for direct use in SWAT models. The AET data is formatted for use in SWAT-CUP (SWAT Calibration Uncertainty Procedures) for calibration of SWAT models. The use of these global databases for SWAT models can speed up the model building by 75...