1769 - Spanish explorer Gaspar de Portola explores the area to open up a land route to the port of Monterey and establishes the first Spanish settlement in the area. The settlers name the local river Rio de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula ("River of Our Lady Queen o...
2010 Started TA-Q-BIN parcel delivery service in Singapore and Shanghai. In order to contribute to a low-carbon society, conducted collection/delivery driving using lightweight commercial electric vehicles. 2008 Started air and ocean freight service in India. 2007 In order to achieve the Yamato...
According to Bruno Nettl, “The number of ethnomusicologists doing work of an explicitly historical sort has increased to the degree that the term ‘historical ethnomusicology’ has begun to appear in programs of conferences and in publications.”5 However, Nettl has cautioned that not all histori...
Titles are arranged in a loose timeline, starting with the Iron Age and finishing up in the 1990s. Some of these authors are well-known for theiroeuvreof historical fiction, so looking their names up in the library catalog is a good way to continue the search for great middle grade histori...
The current practice of pediatric cardiac surgery has reached a great deal of maturity and sophistication. This was the result of decades of persistent hard and cumulative work since 1930s. Besides a short historical timeline of some named key surgical procedures, we are presenting in this ...
Commodity movements are mainly by roads, all converging on the state’s main city, Johor Bahru, which is linked by causeway to Singapore. The latter country depends on Johor’s Teberau River for its water supply. Johor has become essentially a part of Singapore’s hinterland; its economic ...
The growth in the manufacturing sector drove the European crude oil markets. The average monthly prices started at around 77 USD/barrel (FOB) in July’23 and climbed up to over 85 USD/barrel within the concerned timeline. An approximate 16% inclination in the prices was observed within the ...
2020. Timeline: TikTok’s Journey from global Sensation to trump target. Reuters. Available at: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-tiktok-timeline-idUSKCN2510IU.Search in Google Scholar Yang, Zeyang, Mark D. Griffiths, Zhihao Yan & Wenting Xu. 2021. Can watching online videos Be ...
Moreover, the pandemic timeline reveals changes in temporal, epidemiological, economic and social patterns. For example, it is possible to analyze the time between pandemics in years or in generation time (Supplementary Material Figure S1). Surprisingly, the human generation time of 26.9 years has ...
Figure 7. HHiissttoorriiccaall DDeevveellooppmmeenntt TTimeline of Fatahillah Square. 55.. RReessuullttss 5.1. Fatahillah Square in Early 1880s 5.1. Fatahillah Square in Early 1880s The first period to be looked at in depth is the period of early 1880s, because the steam tram engine...