6.China's long history leaves a lot of historical remains which are valuable in studying the ancient culture of the past dynasties of China.中国悠久的历史给我们留下无数历史遗址,对研究中国历代的古老文化有着十分珍贵的作用。 7.Risk Analysis of Land Use in Large-Scale Historic Relic Sites in th...
Marko PB: Fossil calibration of molecular clocks and the divergence times of geminate species pairs separated by the Isthmus of Panama. Mol Biol Evol. 2002, 19 (11): 2005-2021. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar The Museum of Natural History. Elona quimperiana (Férussac 1821). [http://...
To understand the role of reduced herbivory in recent coral declines, we produce a high-resolution 3,000 year record of reef accretion rate and herbivore (parrotfish and urchin) abundance from the analysis of sediments and fish, coral and urchin subfossils within cores from Caribbean Panama. At...
Members of this genus occur from southern Mexico to Panama, across the trans-Andean South American river basins from northern Peru to the Maracaibo system in Venezuela, in all major river drainages in cis-Andean South America, and in most Atlantic and Caribbean coastal river basins [4]. ...
From the Discovery of the Mar del Sur to the Creation of Unlikely Connections Between Panama and the United States Chapter © 2018 The First European Colonization of the North Atlantic Chapter © 2015 America’s Farther West: The Trans-Mississippi West, 1815–1890 Chapter © 2019 Ke...
(A.D. 1189-1192) Led by Frederick Barbarosa, Richard I of England and Philip II of France. Resulted in a truce which gave Christians access to Jerusalem and all the Holy Sites. The Fourth Crusade: (A.D. 1202-1204) Instead of marching on Jerusalem, the crusade took Constantinople and ...
this is about the site in mexico (BC) where many people were put into acid by cartel memebers in order to get rid of them. the GE footage clearly shows that all the horror went down within the last 12 months, not earlier! the greyish dots are grave sites! bodies were put into underg...
p.m. on Fri. and Sat. and Sun. 10 p.m. till 6 p.m. with extended hours in the summer.North of the NaturalHistoryMuseum is theMoreton Bay Fig Tree(4), which was planted prior to the 1915 Panama-California Exposition. This tree stands over 78 feet tall and is more than 120 feet...
(de Greve,1938), while layers II and V cropped up in other two different sites along the banks of the Itaya River. So far, no vertebrate specimens in the Iquitos collection has been associated either with layer V. Two other layers, including one from the lignite bank, and one of ...
After the formation of the Isthmus of Panama, the potential contact between Atlantic and Indo-Pacific populations was limited to the waters around southern Africa. It appears that this separation of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans resulted in significant genetic drift for many large pelagic fishes si...