This prime rate is derived from the Federal Funds effective rate, which is the interest rates at which banks lend money to each other. TheFederal Reserveprovides guidance on what the Fed Funds rate should be set at, known as the “Federal Funds target rate”. Banks usually follow suit, and...
with the same selected regions as in Fig.2a; see details in Methods.\(\frac{{\rho _s }{c_p} H}{\alpha {\overline{{LH}}}\frac{{\partial }(T^{\prime})^t}{\partial t}\)is the mixed layer temperature tendency, here abbreviated as is\(\frac{\partial...
In socioeconomic and policy terms, his prime interest was in the causes of poverty and the policy tools to overcome it (see, e.g., Jensen, 1994). This led him to the inquiry of the evolution of the key institutions that caused the permanence and reproduction of poverty with the same ...
There are a number of species that are uniquely Galapagonian- the tortoise being a prime example. These giant creatures at one time roamed the islands in great numbers, but their populations were decimated by humans in ~150 years. The tortoise had two great misfortunes- first, they apparently...
House prices collapsed when interest rates were raised, which resulted in many banks holding loans in which the value of the collateral was smaller than the loan. Many loans were not paid back, and multiple banks were bailed out (Morrison, 1974, Bank of England, 1978). According to the ...
$$ \mu =\frac{P}{C^{\prime }(Y)} $$ (29) and thatP= 1, there is a direct link between the Lagrange multiplier (λ) and the markup (μ): $$ \uplambda =\frac{1}{\mu } $$ (30) Accordingly, we can rewrite Eqs. (25) and (26) as (7) and (8). ...
DNA samples from GAZEL samples were extracted at the CEPH Biobank on an automated system either Autopure (Qiagen) or Chemagic Prime (PerkinElmer) using respectively the salting out method or magnetic beads and were quantified using fluorimetry (Quant-iT DNA Assay kit, Broad Range, Thermo Fisher ...
the first attempts of molecular mechanics calculations were recorded in 1946. Frank Westheimer’s calculation of the relative racemization rates of biphenyl derivatives illustrated the success of such an approach. However, computers were not available at that time, so it took several more years for ...
The prime and star indicate deviations from the temporal mean and zonal mean, respectively. Monthly averages were used as the temporal mean23. Regional contribution to MMF The calculated MMF cannot be used to explain regional difference because vertical integration is made after zonal mean is taken...
The “traditional view” on the historical decline of child labour has emphasised the role of the approval of effective child labour (minimum wor