The story of the 47 Ronin is perhaps the most popular and best known legend of traditional Japan. Set in the early 18th century, it tells a tale of honour and bloody revenge as the brotherhood of 47 masterless Samurai pursue the ruthless killing of Lord Kira, the official who brought about...
This is a list of historical war movies featuring everything from The Last of the Mohicans to 300 to The Last Samurai. What historical war films will you find on this list? You might vote Braveheart to the top of the pack. Directed by and starring Mel Gibson, this hit film's ...
Statue of Hatakeyama Shigetada The statue of the Kamakura period warlord-Shigetada Hatakeyama on horseback adds an air of samurai splendour to the already colourful shrines. The shrine’s treasure house is also famous for the Akaito Odoshi Yoroi (red-thread-armour) offering (now designated a nati...
Dig Deeper The Film Version Of 'Troy' Doesn't Even Come Close To The Brutality Of The Source Texts Also ranks #4 on Every Brad Pitt War Movie, Ranked By How Much They Deserve The Highest Honor Also ranks #6 on The 13 Best Movies Based on Poems 9 The Last Samurai Tom Cruise, Ken ...
Dig Deeper The Film Version Of 'Troy' Doesn't Even Come Close To The Brutality Of The Source Texts Also ranks #4 on Every Brad Pitt War Movie, Ranked By How Much They Deserve The Highest Honor Also ranks #6 on The 13 Best Movies Based on Poems 9 The Last Samurai Tom Cruise, Ken ...
This is a list of historical war movies featuring everything from The Last of the Mohicans to 300 to The Last Samurai. What historical war films will you find on this list? You might vote Braveheart to the top of the pack. Directed by and starring Mel Gibson, this hit film's ...
This is a list of historical war movies featuring everything from The Last of the Mohicans to 300 to The Last Samurai. What historical war films will you find on this list? You might vote Braveheart to the top of the pack. Directed by and starring Mel Gibson, this hit film's ...
Monuments That Should Be Ancient Wonders Old Health Practices That Didn't Help Archaeological Finds That Shook Up Everything Weird Traditions of Samurai Unsolved Mysteries Around the World What to Know About the MayansPhoto: Braveheart Paramount Pictures Film|Movies ...