Fruit from the sands: the silk road origins of the foods we eat. Univ of California Press; 2019. Book Google Scholar Pramitha L, Choudhary P, Rana S, Singh RK, Das P, Sharma S, Rajasekaran R, Prasad M, Muthamilarasan M. Foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.): a model for small...
JESSI ROKICKI’s architectural origins lie in her family’s annual gingerbread house decoration party. At these get-togethers, a young Jessi was encouraged to think beyond the ornamentation, to consider structural additions or outbuildings which could be added to the scene. When Jessi traveled in...
Drying, smoking, and other preservation methods were insufficient for Napoleon's forces during the French Revolutionary Wars. As a result, hesponsored a competitionin 1795 for a better technique to keep large amounts of food safe for longer and make them tastier. The winner would take home 12,...
a large cosmopolitan family, and is one of the oldest cultivated fruit trees in the world. It originates from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the ‘mother river’ of the Chinese people. It is distributed in at least 48 countries on all continents except Antarctica and is...
Prehistory: early hominin subsistence use of aquatic resources The impacts of ancestral hominins and early modern humans on aquatic ecosystems were likely minimal, as primitive technology enabled harvesting of fish mostly for local food subsistence. The archaeological record for aquatic resource use is am...
Martinez-Zapater, Multiple origins of cultivated grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sativa) based on chloroplast DNA polymorphisms. Mol Ecol, 2006. 15(12): p. 3707-14. Soleas, G.J., E.P. Diamandis, and D.M. Goldberg, Wine as a biological fluid: history, production, and role in ...
Birmingham Historical Society’s involvement in the HABS documentation. It’s a preservation success story that put Birmingham on the map, bringing its first Major League Baseball game to Rickwood in 2024. (View all the drawings and documentation at the Library of Congress HERE at HABS AL-897)...
The terminal’s origins can be traced back to city council’s 14-to-7 vote on July 9, 1937, in favour of constructing airports at Hanlan’s Point and Malton (now Pearson). By the end of that year, site clearing had begun in earnest, and the City had approved a plan to move the...
Harvey, David 1992 The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change. Wiley, Oxford, UK. Google Scholar Hastorf, Christine A. 2017 The Social Archaeology of Food: Thinking about Eating from Prehistory to the Present. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Googl...
and the more things they name. Just like we would expect higher concentrations of archaeological remains linked to activities and/or settlements in such environments (depending on preservation conditions), we would also expect these places to be more denselysettledby language. Thus, we know that me...