This adaptation of the non-fiction novel by Tom Wolfe chronicles the first 15 years of America's space program. By focusing on the lives of the Mercury astronauts, including John Glenn (Ed Harris) and Alan Shepard (Scott Glenn), the film recounts the dangers and fru...
As Little progresses, we experience the French Revolution and see the deepest innards of the Palace of Versailles, all through the eyes of the woman who would become Madame Tussauds. Both an intimate and subtly gothic novel and a wildly epic biography, Little is one of the very best ...
She’s an Anglophile at heart, and you’ll most often find her partaking of a proper cream tea while scheming up her next novel . . . but it’s probably easier to find her at or on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. It is so great to have you back on the show...
of America; and a member of the Historical Novel Society. Alpine landscapes and flashy horses always catch Dave’s eye and turn his head. He is also an Adirondack 46-er, which means that he has hiked to the summit of the range’s highest peaks. As a mountaineer, he’s ...
9. The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco Buy on Amazon Add to library Imagine a Dan Brown novel — an action-packed race to solve a serial murder mystery that can only be unraveled by decoding ancient manuscripts and artistic clues. The Name of the Rose is all that, but it’s set in...
Reading a fantastic historical novel can feel like traveling back to a different time period. You get to experience the joys, sorrows, and complexities of life in a different place and time. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the 50 best historical fiction books out there, as well...
Nathan Harris’s novel opens with a pair of Black brothers finding work on a white man’s farm. Prentiss and Landry are hoping to save money to travel north to find their mother, while George and his wife Isabelle are grieving the loss of their son Caleb, who they believe died in the...
The real-life rivalry between beauty titans Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubenstein inspired Gill Paul's "A Beautiful Rival." Spanning decades from the early 1900s to the post-World War II era and beyond, the novel traces how these two women rose from obscurity, painting over their humble origi...
has a little more gumption than a girl in her times is supposed to have. Her father is trying to marry her off to enrich his coffers but she would rather run around with the peasants on the manor and thwart his efforts. This short novel is told in a diary format and is 100% hilari...
This is a historical novel of passion, prejudice, revenge and forgiveness, based on actual scandals in my mother’s family of origin, taking place in western states in the early 1900’s. Why did you need to write this story? When I heard the few basic facts of the story from an aunt...