Chop Suey Injunction." New York Times (1857-Current file); Jun 15, 1904; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2004): 7.CI7. ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2004). 16 Nov. 2007. .Cotton and Uncle Tom." New York Daily Times (1851-1857...
With ProQuest Historical Newspapers, trace the Revolutionary War rebel cause, Reconstruction after the Civil War, learn about a break-through medical discovery, the
proquestnewspapershistoricalrhinebeckpermissionyork Reproducedwithpermissionofthecopyrightowner.Furtherreproductionprohibitedwithoutpermission.LEVIP.MORTONDIESATRHINEBECKHOMEON96THBIRTHDAY:Ex-VicePresidentandGovernorofNewYork...SpecialtoTheNewYorkTimes.NewYorkTimes(1857-1922);May17,1920;ProQuestHistoricalNewspapers:TheNe...
newspapers, maps, photographs and more from our nation’s founding through slavery and Reconstruction and beyond. The Gilder Lehrman Collection is also housed in the New-York Historical Society, where you can view signed copies of the Emancipation Proclamation, the Thirteenth Amendment and the Constit...
newspapers, maps, photographs and more from our nation’s founding through slavery and Reconstruction and beyond. The Gilder Lehrman Collection is also housed in the New-York Historical Society, where you can view signed copies of the Emancipation Proclamation, the Thirteenth Amendment and the Constit...
Even American newspapers got in on the action when in November 1888 New York papers reported that one Dr. Francis Tumblety had been arrested for indecency and questioned in relation to the Whitechapel Murders, and had thereafter jumped bail and returned to America. Tumblety was of particular int...
, and several other cities around the world. While living in the Middle East, he worked for Harvard University’s Semitic Museum. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Hiram College in Hiram, Ohio and an M.F.A. in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York....
“There is a hideous invention called the Dewey Decimal System. And you have to look up your topic in books and newspapers. Pages upon pages upon pages…” ~ Evie O’Neill First off, I have to say that I was ABSOLUTELY RELIEVED to find out that this is, in fact, the first book in...
The Afro-American Newspapers Clarence Gatson Collection Smith Collection Duke University Vintage Vernacular Johns Hopkins University Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection Stuart Lutz Collection Elizabeth Morse Collection Rex Brandt Sketchbooks Visualizing the Valley ...
图书Catalogue of the Books, Tracts, Newspapers, Maps, Charts, Views, Portraits, and Manuscripts, in the Library of the New-York Historical Society. 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐