Today, there is a growing impetus to conserve and restore marine ecosystems at scale26, furthered by policies such as the Habitats Directive of the EU, the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the EU’s Nature Restoration Law and, in the case of the European flat oyster, its recognition by ...
Arianrhod gives a cry and runs away but as she does something small falls from her and Gwydion gathers it in brocade and hides it in a small chest at the foot of his bed. Math
(Linguistics) (functioning as singular) the study of language as it changes in the course of time, with a view either to discovering general principles of linguistic change or to establishing the correct genealogical classification of particular languages. Also called:diachronic linguisticsComparedescripti...
The site A Vision of Britain through Time from the the University of Portsmouthhas made historical boundary information for counties, parishes, and constituencies for England, Wales, and Scotland available in shapefiles format. The GIS data cover a variety of timeframes in the 1800s and 1900s...
Gregor, Walter 1881 Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland. Elliot Stock, London, UK. Google Scholar Gregor, Walter 1891 The Scotch Fisher Child. Folklore 2(1):73–86. Google Scholar Griffith, T. Riseley 1887 On the Races Inhabiting Sierra Leone. Journal of the Anthropo...
WELCOME Introduction to Historical Maps of Pennsylvania WELCOME The Dutch established the first European settlement along the Delaware River at Lewes in 1631, but it was soon wiped out by the Indians, so the Dutch settled for occasionally manned trading posts. Next came the Finns and Swedes in ...
J’nell Ciesielski joins us for a chat about traveling to Scotland, writers/books that inspire her, the elements of a beautiful romance, and her latest release The Winged Tiara,“a sparkling story filled with her signature snappy dialogue and vivid atmosphere that will keep you reading late int...
Dummies corresponding to intervals of character distances between CL and the state name. The base category 0 includes also cases where the state name hasn't been found. 1 if the following words appear in the document: 'GERMANY', 'ENGLAND', 'FRANCE', 'GREAT BRITAIN', 'SCOTLAND', 'IRELAND'...
Owens PN, Walling DE (2002) Changes in sediment sources and floodplain deposition rates in the catchment of the River Tweed, Scotland, over the last 100 years: the impact of climate and land use change. Earth Surf Process Landf 27:403–423 Owens PN, Walling DE, Leeks GJL (1999) Use of...
The Laurentian Great Lakes are a globally significant aquatic resource, containing approximately 22,900 cubic km (5500 cubic miles) of water that represent nearly one-fifth of the standing freshwater on the Earth’s surface. The Great Lakes drainage basin covers more land than England, Scotland, ...