Explore hundreds of thousands of high-resolution historical maps and dive deep with easy-to-use research tools. For professionals and enthusiasts alike.
Explore hundreds of thousands of high-resolution historical maps and dive deep with easy-to-use research tools. For professionals and enthusiasts alike.
For David Rumsey, maps constitute the fabric of memory. They carry images of boundless worlds and the people who live there — past, present, and even the future. In the film A Stranger Quest by Andrea Gatopoulos, David takes us on a journey through time and space as he recalls why he...
WELCOME References for Historical Maps of Pennsylvania WELCOME The references below are cited in the map descriptions. Most of these references contain bibliographies that can be consulted for further sources on maps in general, as well as maps of Pennsylvania. For a general (though now dated) ...
331–363. Brill, Boston, MA. Chapter Google Scholar Saarela, Tauno 2018 Muistella vai ei: Suomen työväenliike ja sisällissodan muisto sotien välisenä aikana (To commemorate or not to commemorate: The Finnish labor movement and the memory of the civil war in the interwar ...
This variable provides valuable information to disambiguate among locations when the inventor has moved during the period, as in this case (the correct location for patents US1410877, US1410875, and US213090 is Washington DC, and Boston MA for US181553). Information about technological classes may...
Reconstructing the ~ AD 1900 extent of glaciers in Nordland, northern Norway, from historical mapsWeber, PaulAndreassen, Liss M.Kvarteig, SidselBoston, Clare M.Geophysical Research Abstracts
Inscribed by Milton Kigallen and Kenneth Roberts at Christmas time of 1923. 147 pages of text illustrated with line art and other comical works of art. TB01465 $350.00 Roberts, Kenneth: The Collector's Whatnot. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1923. Second Edition. Very good in illustrated paper ...
South End Press, Boston, MA. Jones, Jacqueline 1992 The Dispossessed: America’s Underclasses from the Civil War to the Present. Basic, New York, NY. Jurney, David H., and Randall W. Moir (editors) 1987 Historic Buildings, Material Culture, and People of the Prairie Margin: Architecture...
The idea of robots initially acquired importance among people, but recent advances in manufacturing, mechanical, electrical, and electronic technology, along with a sharp increase in microcontroller power, have made robots more than just concepts. With a high...