Wind speeds are not displayed per default, but can be enabled at the bottom of the graph. The precipitation chart is useful to plan for seasonal effects such as monsoon climate in India or wet season in Africa. Monthly precipitations above 150mm are mostly wet, below 30mm mostly dry. ...
Wind data is a common weather measure that is very important for many applications including business and personal planning. This forms a critical element of environmental prediction, along with temperature and precipitation, that will allow you to plan your activities accordingly. Whether you are l...
Extending the lineage of sound art, kinetography (Laban), and contact improvisation, recent experiments in dance and music technology point to a stronger interrelationship between gesture analysis (biophysical data) and the design of responsive architectures for emergent behaviours. If psychoacoustics ...
The Global Temperature Record Says We Are in a ‘Climate Emergency’ Unprecedented Heat Wave in Pacific Northwest was Driven by Climate Change U.S. Heat Waves are Getting Worse We Need to Limit Global Warming to 1.5 Degrees C° U.S. ...
Especially in the Kusai Lake region, the temperature variations in the northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau can directly affect their less or more dusty future, and dust can largely drive the climate changes via altering atmospheric circulation, global biogeochemical and hydrologic cycling (Liu et al., ...
In addition to anthropogenic pressures, the river basin has: experienced changes in temperature and precipitation associated with global climate change (Danard and Murty 1994; Déry et al. 2012; Kang et al. 2016); recent episodes of severe wildfires; and a catastrophic outbreak of mountain pine ...
TEMPERATUREERRORTSKPROFILESBecause they make up 56% of ocean temperature profile data between 1967 and 2001, quantifying the biases in expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data is fundamental to understanding the evolution of the planetary energy and sea level budgets over recent decades. The nature and...
Substitute politician with journalist. Methane is not a recent fad in climate science or politics. On page xv of the AR1 policymaker summary is a nice timeseries graph of temperature, CO2 and methane going back 160K years. It’s on page xvi. xviii. I think that sufficiently demonstrates my...
The Czech Republic Stock Market (SE PX) is expected to trade at 1581.71 points by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate it to trade at 1504.19 in 12 months time.Search...
crystals of biological macromolecules are difficult to grow, in part because of the disorder and mobility in certain regions. Crystallization experiments must therefore screen and optimize various parameters that influence crystal formation, such as temperature, pH, solvent type, and added ions or ...