There are also differing opinions about how closely historical fiction books must stick to the truth. Some historical novels chronicle true events that happened in the real world with as much accuracy and authenticity as possible. Others lean more heavily on the author’s imagination, and even inc...
For Fans Of: Modern Warfare, Afghanistan War, Military Drama. Reasons to Watch if You're Interested in Historical Battles: This engaging war drama follows a Canadian sniper team navigating the treacherous terrain and complex tribal affiliations of Afghanistan during their mission to build a ...
Black Ops Vietnam: ANZACS is an action-packed spin-off series from the Black Ops Vietnam series. A full-length novel from the bestselling authors of many historical and Spec Ops books including the popular SEAL Team Bravo stories, Heroes of Afghanistan, Raider, and Echo Six titles. ...
We havehistorical fiction children’s booksfor kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade,historical fiction books for 3rd graders, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students. Thesechildren’s historical fictioncover ancient civilizations, middle ages, early explorers, colonial america, world war 1, and...
Guest Post,Historical fiction,Legends,UncategorizedA Slice of Medieval,Anthology,Defenders of the Norman Crown,Defenders of the Norman Crown: Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surrey,Heroines of the Medieval World,Heroines of the Tudor World,HIstfic,Historical Writers Forum,Historical Writers' Fo...
Augustus Caesar brought about the "Pax Romana" or "Roman Peace"; history's longest period without a war. That's what the history books say, but is it the truth? It was a peaceful 200-odd years for a few insulated Roman aristocrats, but these so-called "continuous years of peace" came...
All too often, the retreat to 19th-century Afghanistan or some other exotic bower in the woodlands of the past looked like sheer failure of nerve. Byatt is alert to this dereliction, remarking that while writers are writing historical novels, much of the discussion of why they are doing ...
It laments the death of a fetus, but is apparently undisturbed by the burning to death of children in Iraq or Afghanistan in the name of U.S. global dominion. By and large, it worships a God fashioned blasphemously in its own image – a clean-shaven, short-haired, gun-toting, ...
And finally, there is the widespread fascination with fascist ideas and visions, even though they are often thoroughly ridiculous. Together with Orwell, one can only laugh at Adolf Hitler’s vision of “a state of 250 million Germans with plenty of ‘living room’ (stretchin...
Afghanistan State 0.465 Albania State 0.733 Andorra State 0.845 Angola State 0.532 Antigua and Barbuda Crown 0.783 Armenia State 0.733 Azerbaijan State 0.751 Bahamas State 0.790 Bahrain State 0.824 Bangladesh State 0.570 Barbados State 0.785 Belarus State 0.798 Belize State 0.715 Benin State 0.480 Bhutan...