see one the welcome signs with the “Seal of Plymouth Township” which was one of his many designs. Inside this home you can also find that it has some of Tivadar’s own artwork displayed on the walls. Over 150 of Tiv’s 200+ projects can be found in Michigan, Illinois, and Arizona...
—— FACTS OF THE TIME 1888-1898—— This time was yielding completely to the confident, strong, independent woman It was the transition between the Victorian era of restraint, & the loose fanciful life of the Edwardian The Victorian era had spanned 64 years, & changes in attitude were cons...
When the Donner Party left Illinois in 1846, it had 89 members. The ill-fated group traversed the North American landscape with hopes of reaching California but became trapped along the way. Led by Jacob and George Donner and James F. Reed, the travelers took an alternate route ...
Even though Juneteenth is not a federal holiday, states of Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklah...
Brigham Young and other Mormon leaders decided to abandon Nauvoo, Illinois, when Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, was killed at Carthage, Illinois, in June 1844. Their move to the West began February 4, 1846. ...
NikPak4 Illinois50 contributions 0 Awesome Guide and City Apr 2023 Our guide Sancar was fantastic. He was so enthusiastic about everything he was telling us about. He pointed out so many details to us on buildings that we would have never noticed otherwise. ...
The documents from Lincoln’s legal practice are only recently being systematically gathered from Illinois courthouses. We do know that Lincoln was admitted to the bar in 1836 and quickly became John Todd Stuart’s law partner. Lincoln was a diligently successful lawyer, and if, as is the ...
Read more about Rickwood’s history in our BHS newsletter HERE(downloadable pdf document) and in ourarchives HERE Field of Dreams – Fun Facts! Do you know the compellinghistory of America’s oldest ball field? Last night at Birmingham Historical Society’s annual meeting, baseball enthusiast ...
Surely these facts make a troubling dream about being assassinated far less astonishing and provide a simple explanation with no need to resort to claims of supernatural prognostication. In the ensuing days, however, it seems Lincoln’s spirits finally rose. Richmond fell, his visit to the front...
Lincoln served in the military,studied law(not formally), and became a lawyer in 1836. He then entered politics in Illinois and would eventually become the 16th President of the United States. That these two powerful men shared birthdates has been called an “intriguing coincidence." Despite ...