The British Narrative – Hong Kong was the last bright star of a fading empire, where democracy and free markets created prosperity. The reality – an illegal colonial aggression, using gunboats to allow Great Britain to sell opium in China. After which, it became an oligarchy of foreig...
on historical accuracy, going so far as to label itself as an "occasionally true" historical comedy-drama. A very loose retelling of the life of Russia's Catherine the Great, it follows the titular character's ascension into the Russian oligarchy and her plot to kill her husband, Peter III...
According to the New Testament, Jesus had at least four brothers and an unknown number of sisters. If correct, such biblical claims pose immense problems for the Catholic doctrine of Mary's perpetual virginity. Nevertheless, Professor Aslan believes that ...
The War of 1812: The White House Burns and 'The Star Spangled Banner is Born' Sources Share: Citation More Awesome Stuff People Democracy vs. Republic: What's the Difference? People What's the Difference Between Socialism and Communism? People What Is an Oligarchy and Has the U.S. Be...