In 1972, he captured the World Chess Championship from Boris Spassky of the USSR in a match held in Reykjavík, Iceland, publicized as a Cold War confrontation which attracted more worldwide interest than any chess championship before or since. In 1975, Fischer refused to defend his title when...
Transient lunar phenomena are short-lived lights, colors, or other changes in the appearance of the moon's surface. Reports of such events have been recorded for at least 1,000 years and range from foggy patches to major changes in the lunar landscape. Though some have been observed independe...
0924 On July - 17 edward the Elder of Wessex and Mercia dies and is succeeded by his son Athelstan, 29, who will reign until 940, continuing his father's conquest of the Danelaw north of the Thames-Lea line from the Vikings who have been in Britain since 787 0924 On this day in...
2016: The Cubs ended the longest drought in World Series history, winning their first Fall Classic since 1908. 2020: In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the World Series is played at a neutral site (Globe Life Field in Arlington) for the first time. • All-time World Series...
events in the country which helped the community to express their wish to terminate the racial discrimination and fair treatment of the population (Strauss, 1993). The organization since its induction has engaged in issues affecting their members and the society hence ensuring that their rights are...
Following the abolition in Tbilisi of all Soviet legislation affecting Georgia and the reinstatement of Georgia's 1921 pre-Bolshevik Constitution, Abkhazia reinstates its 1925 Constitution as a temporary measure since no formal status was assigned to Abkhazia in the 1921 Georgian Constitution, whereas ...
The sequence progresses from the scientific precursors of precision teaching and the beginnings of precision teaching to principal developments since 1965. Information about the persons, events, and accomplishments presented in this chronology was compiled in several ways. Journals, books, and conference ...
For these reasons, some sections focused mainly on careers of their Editors-in-Chief, whereas others elaborated more on historical events relevant to the periodical in ques- tion. Nevertheless, the current article does provide one of the first complete accounts of historical development among nine ... OPEN Received: 29 March 2017 Accepted: 23 June 2017 Published: 12 September 2017 Data Descriptor: Fish and fishery historical data since the 19th century in the Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Tomaso Fortibuoni1,2, Simone Libralato1, Enrico Arneri3,4, Otello Giovanardi...
The Information, available for 30% of the database, includes the size of the labor force, special causes of closure, ecological events, information about the labor force, the municipality, and the participation of indigenous groups in the project or serves to catalogue metadata. Additional names ...