1478 On this day in history george, Duke of Clarence, convicted of treason against his older brother Edward IV of England, is privately executed in the Tower of London. 1478 Duke of Clarence, forced drowning in a wine barrel on this day in history. 1486 Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Bengali sai...
London: Debenham & Freebody, 1887. Holt, Ardern. Fancy Dresses Described, Sixth Edition. London: Debenham & Freebody, 1896. The 1896 edition of Holt may be found online at the University of Wisconsin Digital Collections. Posted at 07:23 AM in 1880s, 1890s, Poudre, Victorian, Women's ...
Zadie Smith's first historical novel is set in 1873, and is based upon real life events surrounding the Tichborne Trial. Widowed Scottish housekeeper Mrs Eliza Touchet is captivated by the trial, and just like the rest of England is torn between whether the defendant is who he claims to be...
Even though the opening ceremonies aren’t until Friday, competition in the 2012 London games began today. Which leads me to a fascinating article I’ve been saving from last month in the Washington Post called “Michael Phelps has mastered the psychology of speed“. I think the title is a...
Dreams of finding wealth in a New World drew English settlers, backed by the Virginia Company of London, to Jamestown Island in 1607. Here you can walk the ground they cleared to build the original James Fort. Powhatan, chief to the Native peoples who had lived here for thousands of years...
Another open problem is the difficulty of modeling systemic risks and tail events—such as financial crises—that are rare but have devastating consequences. Standard models, which often assume normal distributions and equilibrium conditions, struggle to account for these extreme events. There is a nee...