1268Dirk II, mister of Valkenburg, dies on this day in history. 1271Hostiensis, [Henricus the Segusia], cardinal/bishop of Ostia, dies on this day in history. 1389On this day in history urbanus VI, [Bartolomeo Prignano], Italian pope (1378-89), dies 1501English crown prince Arthur marri...
1820Adolf Schimon, composer on this day in history. 1828Antonio Guzman Blanco, president Venezuela on this day in history. 1832Charles Darwin visits jungle near Bahia Brazil on this day in history. 1836On February - 29 giacomo Meyerbeers opera "Les Huguenots," premieres in Paris « Previous ...
Historical Events on December 25 1066:The Duke of Normandy – William the Conqueror – is at his coronation to be crowned the king of England at Westminster Abbey in London. 1076:Bolelsaw II becomes Poland’s king. 1100:In the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Badlwin I becomes the fi...
Restoration of Rights: In 1711, Massachusetts restored the rights and good names of those accused and granted £600 in restitution to their heirs. Formal Apology: In 1957, Massachusetts formally apologised for the events of the Salem Witch Trials. Ergot Theory: A modern theory suggests that erg...
also examines the seasoned, if brief, reflections on the event by colonial historians beyond Brazil--including an unpublished 1957 US dissertation--that suggests how much the discussion of the events of 1710-1711 has to tell us about shifting currents...
In winter, the Plains of Abraham transform into a huge playground for winter sports enthusiasts. For decades, cross-country skiing, ice skating, and snowshoeing have been practiced there. The site has even hosted World Cup cross-country ski events, making the plains a gathering place for athle...
events.zil files.wd german.txt hintrv.mss hintsc.mss letter.mss m2.transcript m2.zil macros.zap macros.zil main.zap main.zil package.mss parser.xzap parser.zap parser.zil people.str people.zap people.zil places.zap places.zil r13.zip r18.zip r20.zip r21.zip r22.zip sample.mss sample...
in life-history traits (e.g. dispersal capacity [2]) and for other marine fish species due to the existence of distinct past demographical events (e.g. bottlenecks [7]). More comparative studies on the biology and population dynamics of marine pelagic fishes distributed at both sides of the...
Winchester Cathedral has seen a number of important events.William Rufuswas brought there after he was ‘accidentally’ shot dead in the New Forest. His remains lie in mortuary chests in the cathedral along with, probably, those of King Canute.Henry IVand Joan of Navarre were married in the ...
Collection of famous and important historical events that happened around the world in July - 20, nicely categorized in years and many more.