Gold increased 147.21 USD/t oz. or 5.61% since the beginning of 2025, according to trading on a contract for difference (CFD) that tracks the benchmark market for this commodity. Gold - values, historical data, forecasts and news - updated on January of
Gold $2,896.37 0.68 Silver $31.79 0.06 Contact us USD $ Buy gold & silver Storage Shipping Rates Charts News About us Precious metals prices Gold price Live Gold Spot Price Live price Historical Chart CN¥21,014.10 0.76 1 kilogram CN¥675,619.00 1 gram CN¥675.62 CN¥21,...
Gold Historical Prices FindHistorical End-of-Day Gold prices on thePrice Historypage. For more data,Barchart Premiermembers can download historical Intraday, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly dataon the Gold Historical Downloadtab, and can download additional underlying chart data and study values ...
Gold Historical Prices Find Historical End-of-Day Gold prices on the Price History page. For more data, Barchart Premier members can download historical Intraday, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly data on the Gold Historical Download tab, and can download additional underlying chart data and stu...
Gold price in CNH (Chinese Yuan). Historical chart and real-time quote (live price per gram, ounce, kilo) on the LBMA, yearly performance in Chinese Yuan.
Gold price in USD (US Dollar). Historical chart and real-time quote (live price per gram, ounce, kilo) on the LBMA, yearly performance in US Dollar.
Gold price in GTQ (Guatemalan Quetzal). Historical chart and real-time quote (live price per gram, ounce, kilo) on the LBMA, yearly performance in Guatemalan Quetzal.
Gold/Silver ratio is a ratio of the gold price to the silver price. In other words, it measures how many ounces of silver it takes to buy an ounce of gold.
Four-year Presidential Cycles.Charts for each term of every US President dating back to 1900. Editing Gallery Charts The charts in the Historical Chart Gallery are static. However, Pro members can create live versions of each chart, which they can modify and/or annotate within their own account...
GOLD MARKET DATA GOLD RATIOS : LIBOR RATES FUNDS PMS If you follow the gold market and chart the forex/futures/global markets then this historical end-of-day sharemarket database with its strong gold focus is just what you need. It contains a huge 3330 datasets covering various global ...