Of course, Matson knows how to write romance. There is just something swoony about her romance, and Clark is exactly what Andie needed in her life. She didn’t even know she needed him. Clark pushes her, he makes her summer better, he has his own background story, he gets along with...
Ever since his death, people have been interested in Jesus’ background, especially details from his first thirty years on Earth. There are ancient texts, such as the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, that serious students of history and Christianity are encouraged to ignore, and for good reason. Stor...
In addition to his explosive background role in The Great War: American Front, Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination has been referenced in several Turtledove works. In The War That Came Early: Hitler's War, Franz Ferdinand's assassination is echoed on 29 September 1938, when Czechoslovak ...
There will be a time when many of us on this planet will begin to share out pathways outside of this universe and it is time we lay the groundwork for the various directions that will expand outward from this one point of origin we now call earth. There are few whom I can open up ...