(3) Genesis illustrates intertextuality; its sources include extant documents, especially from Mesopotamia, from Judea (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel), and from western Asia (Homer's Odyssey). The documentary theory (JEDP) is unnecessary and misleading.Brodie, Thomas L...
Turtledove references this in Liberating Atlantis, Jeremiah Stafford points to a nearby horse and jestingly nominates it to be his successor as Consul of Atlantis, then directly references Caligula's alleged scheme.[32] In "Death in Vesunna", Kleandros uses Caligula as an example of why the...
with thechild sacrifice of the Canaanite cult of Molech. An example of such a versecan be found in Jeremiah 7:29–31: “For the Lord has spurned and cast offthe brood that provoked His wrath. For the people of Judah have done whatdispleases Me—declares the Lord. They have set up ...
agents of disease, or shadowy features of the backdrop against which history happened. Certain species (namely pigs and poultry) were affordable to many city-dwellers and husbanded in these environments until well into the twentieth century, though urban...
“Easy believism” became a particular problem in groups like the Pentecostals, Fundamentalists, Holiness, and some other groups, who were associated early on and developed together out of a similar background. They all grew out of the Keswick Movement and its spiritual revivals that began arou...
Reflections on an educator’s task and responsibility in preparing ministers for their vocation in the church, based on the call narrative of Jeremiah (1:4-10) Divine-Human Synergism in Ministry A paper given at the Second Breckenridge Conference on Clergy Preparation, dealing with the mission of...
The bad publicity began with Obama's former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. While Obama's religious beliefs were questioned throughout his candidacy -- including whether he is Muslim -- his former pastor brought real controversy to the campaign. Video of an arguably anti-American speech made by ...