present theoretical pillars are usually considered to be mechanics—classical, special relativity, general relativity, and quantum—Maxwell electromagnetism, and Boltzmann–Gibbs (BG) statistical mechanics, which essentially incorporates theory of probabilities within the realm of mechanics and electromagnetism....
(2002). A History of Science Approach to the Nature of Science: Learning Science by Rediscovering it. In W. F. McComas (Ed.), The Nature of Science in Science Education (pp. 177–196). Dordrecht: Kluwer. Kipnis, N. (2005). Chance in Science: The Discovery of Electromagnetism by H...
was written by a contemporary to many of the early practitioners within its pages and featured an illustrated list entitled ‘The Arch Builders of Wireless Telegraphy.’This list stretched from key contributors to the early study of electromagnetism such as Ampère...
One of the most common classroom activities related to electromagnetism is to use the "right-hand rule" to describe the direction of the electromagnetic field lines around the wire or the direction of the electric current in the wire. However, the historical episode involved in this simple ...
Those who contributed to this English scientific revolution over the centuries to come are also well known, and the products of their research form the bed-rock of science teaching throughout the world, e.g., Newtonian Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics and Evolutionary Biology to name but...