This hypothesis is supported by measurements of atmospheric CO2 levels in ice cores from Law Dome, Antarctica. Changing the focus from paleoclimate to global population dynamics and using the same causal chain, the measured drop in historic atmospheric CO2 levels can also be looked upon as further...
Changing the focus from paleoclimate to global population dynamics and using the same causal chain, the measured drop in historic atmospheric CO2 levels can also be looked upon as further, strong evidence for the postconquest demographic collapse of the Americas. 展开 ...
A decline in atmospheric CO2 levels under negative emissions may enhance carbon retention in the terrestrial biosphere Article Open access 19 November 2022 References Le Quere, C. et al. Global carbon budget 2015. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 7, 349–396 (2015). Article Google Scholar Sitch, S...
Preindustrial CO2 mixing ratios were in the range 275-284 ppm, with the lower levels during 1550-1800 A.D., probably as a result of colder global climate (Etheridge et al. 1996). The Law Dome ice core CO2 records show major growth in atmospheric CO2 levels over the industrial period, ...
Meehl, G. A. & Washington, W. M. El Niño-like climate change in a model with increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations.Nature382, 56–60 (1996). ArticleADSCASGoogle Scholar Cubasch, U. et al. Projections of future climate change. InClimate Change 2001: The scientific basis. Contribution...
Atmospheric ice formation limits ocean surface temperature to 30C. Those two temperatures control earths energy balance. The rest is noise – often referred to as weather. All climate models show parts of the tropical oceans exceeding 30C b...
Coviella C, Trumble J (1999) Elevated atmospheric CO2 and insect-plant interactions: implications for insect conservation. Conserv Biol 13:12 Cox JSH, Vreysen MJB (2005) Use of geographic information systems and spatial analysis in area-wide integrated pest management programmes that integrate the...
87-100 SensitivityoftheCarbonStorageofPotentialVegetation toHistoricalClimateVariabilityandCO2 inContinentalChina MAOJiafu (毛嘉富),WANGBin(王斌),andDAIYongjiu(戴永久) StateKeyLaboratoryofNumericalModelingforAtmosphericSciencesandGeophysicalFluidDynamics(LASG), InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,ChineseAcademyofSciences,...
Atmospheric CO2concentration has reached 407.44 ± 0.10 ppm (parts per million) by year 2018, increased by 46% since preindustrial time1, which is mainly due to human activities of fossil fuel burning and land use changes. Observational-based estimates show that, during year 1750 and 201...
Fig. 1: Global historical land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) and the resulting cumulative increase in atmospheric CO2concentrations from 1850 to 2014. aLand-cover fractions (relative to global land except for Antarctica) of primary vegetation (dark green), secondary vegetation (light green),...