Anselm was born in Italy in the year 1033, he eventually became a very influential church teacher and is famous for a few things; he came up with an argument for the existence of God called ‘the Ontological argument’ ontology is a word that means the nature of being. His idea went li...
The Many Similarities Between Jesus and Buddha What Is the Definition of Atheist and Agnostic? Why Is Belief in God So Universal and Persistent? Atheists in the Pulpit: Clergy Who Are Non-Believers Mythic Origins of Christianity and How It's Similar to Paganism...
His "appearances" to his disciples were not miraculous, of course, for he had never died in the first place. The swoon theory, espoused by Heinrich Paulus and others during the heyday of the Liberal naturalistic theories, was quite popular in the first half of the nineteenth century. It wa...
Western(ised) Personnel from the Practice of Rehabilitation Projects versus Local Cultures Differing Perceptions of the Principle of Parent Participation: Implications for Asian Families of Children with Disabilities Formal Handling Routines. Child Rearing Practices in Jamaica and Their Relevance to Rehabi...
after the brainless assaults to which occult sciences have hitherto been subjected—assaults in which abuse has been substituted for argument, and flat denial for calm inquiry—to find that there remain in the West some men who will come into the field like philosophers, and soberly and fairly...
Jesus' self-understanding reflects his identity, his triune salvific role; this is for Lewis, the transposed reality of divine Sonship. Reason and logic are paramount here, reflected in the structure of Lewis's argument. Lewis's trilemma is not so much a proof of God's existence, but a ...
In chapter ten Geisler responds to William Lane Craig’s advocacy of limited inerrancy based on inductive logic and his argument against unlimited inerrancy as based on deductive logic. Naturally Geisler begins with the question of whether inerrancy has an inductive or deductive basis. Explaining the...
The argument for an old earth comes from the presumption that the age of fossils is determined by the age of the rock strata they’re found in, and that those strata are very old. But young earth geologists argue that dating rock strata is based on a clock that has been misread. Old ...
Elson’s main argument for attributing the Romanian development to contact with middle Bulgarian is that other “eastern” Romance varieties do show the historically expected pattern in the third person plural present indicative. Since only Romanian deviates from that pattern, Elson argues, and since ...
Further still, this nullity leaves as insoluble an argumentum ex silentio whereby Nietzsche indeed retained and venerated Kierkegaard’s work, including the ‘subjectivity is truth’ thesis, however, like Euthyphro before him, Nietzsche was wrought, by means of Kierkegaard’s irony and maieutic ...