• What’s near me? Find attractions within a 50km radius of your current location • Featuring over 300 historic sites throughout Scotland • Search by region or ‘best for’ category • Image galleries • Interactive map view
LynseyD Scotland, UK446 contributions 0 Well worth a visit! Incredible place to visit and take in what remains of this historic area in Rome. We spent an hour wandering and looking at various things but you could easily spend hours taking it all in.There are some areas with unlevel surfa...
• What’s near me? Find attractions within a 50km radius of your current location • Featuring over 300 historic sites throughout Scotland • Search by region or ‘best for’ category • Image galleries • Interactive map view
Wander through the cobblestone streets of Boston’s historic districts and you can feel the echoes of the American Revolution. Walk the Freedom Trail, a 2.5-mile red-brick path that winds through the city, connecting 16 significant historical sites. From the Massachusetts State House to the Old...
A view of Historic Scotland on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram gives you the latest ‘social buzz’ all in one place. Features: • Create your own Historic Itinerary to share on social channels • What’s near me? Find attractions within a 50km radius of your current location • ...
Stone House Hospital, near Dartford in Kent, built as the City of London Pauper Lunatic Asylum and opened in 1866. Extract from the 2nd-edition OS Map revised in 1895, reproduced by permission of the National Library of Scotland The Corporation of London dragged its heels over building a paup...
Set in a central position on the site and in a severe Romanesque style, it is one of the most impressive hospital churches in Scotland. The dark brown stone of the church contrasts strongly with the cream-painted villas near to it. The church, photographed when it was newly built, part ...
From Falkirk I moved on to my last stop in Scotland, the gorgeous Dunbar, which I will tell you all about next time. Until then have fun, take care, stay safe and thanks for visiting. Time travelling with textiles September 17, 2024Leave a comment For me, one of the most ...
The Glen has a number of viewing stops on the road through the valley, and the National Trust for Scotland has a visitor centre along the main route. Read more Dundee An extensive waterfront regeneration and the addition of the V&A Museum to the banks of the River Tay has spruced up ...
A view of Historic Scotland on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram gives you the latest ‘social buzz’ all in one place. Features: • Create your own Historic Itinerary to share on social channels • What’s near me? Find attractions within a 50km radius of your current location • ...