Judith Stein
罗莎·帕克斯 — —现代民权运动之母For most historians, the beginning of the modern civil rights movement in the United States started on December 1, 1955. That was the day when an unknown tailor from Montgomery, Alabama, refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger.This brave woman...
Weak correlations between thrips resistance parameters and agronomic characters also indicate the independent inheritance of these characters. Considering high heritability estimates and simplicity of evaluation, the improvement of thrips resistance in this populationbased on plant damage parameters would be ...
Shipps is generally regarded as the foremost non-Mormon scholar of the Latter Day Saint movement, having given particular attention to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Her first book on the subject was Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition published by the ...
He wrote extensively about the Civil Rights Movement and anti-war movement, and labor history of the United States. His memoir, You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train (Beacon Press, 2002), was also the title of a 2004 documentary about Zinn's life and work. Zinn died of a heart ...
the background of the image, a shape that became popular during the resistance to the Civil Rights Movement of the mid-20thcentury, I'd say that "northern aggression" means anytime that white folks have to recognize the humanity and -- at the very least -- political equality of black ...
the civil rights movement that followed the war. Otherscholars, however, have portrayed organized labor as defending all along the relatively privileged position of White workers relative to African American workers. Clearly, these two perspectives are not easily reconcilable, but the historical reality...
instruments to support Jim Crow to oppress Black people in the south," Kimble said. "And a lot of these statues came, not as a direct result of the Civil War, but really in response to Jim Crow and the civil rights movement. So a...
Black Baptist Women and the Birmingham Civil Rights Movement, 1956-1963: Historians and Journalists during and Immediately after the Civil Rights Movement Emphasized the Role of Religion in the Movement. They Showed How the Black Church and Its Leaders Provided the Charisma, Finance, Inspiration, ...
第二段就是在providing a context并且to evaluate 啊,第一段只陈述了两观点