Metástasis en iris de un carcinoma de mama¿modifica el tratamiento la historia natural de la enfermedad?, Artículothe 4-5% of the breast cancer patients have metastases in the eye. we present the case of a 30-year-old woman with an infiltrant duct carcinoma of the breast pt2n2m0 ...
Morales-Gisbert SM, Plaza-Martinez A, Sala-Almonacil VA, Olmos-Sanchez D, Gomez-Palones FJ, Ortiz-Monzon E. Histo- ria natural de la estenosis carotidea de grado moderado en pacientes con enfermedad arterial periferica. Med Clin (Barc). 2013;140:337---42....
Natural historyClinical courseThe prevalence of rotator cuff disease depends on whether the study was conducted in cadavers or in a defined population of patients. Injuries may be partial or complete, one or more of the components rotator cuff. However, some patients are asymptomatic while others ...
Cáncer gástrico y enfermedad cerebrovascular. Una historia natural con elementos comunes?: Análisis de la teoría de la sal en Chile (1955-1994) Natural history of gastric cancer and cerebrovascular disease in Chile.: Analysis of the salt theory...
Enfermedad de CrohnColitis ulcerosaEmbarazoInfeccionesCáncerInmunosupresoresAnti-TNFVedolizumabInflammatory bowel diseaseNumerous studies were presented in Digestive Disease Week 2015 (DDW 2015) on the natural history, complications, and safety of treatments in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), as well as...