Her name Historia is Greek in origin and means "History."[37] Also, her pseudonym Christa is of Greek origin (greek: Χριστή), meaning "she who is the anointed one." In Hebrew, "the anointed one" is "messiah."[38] Her alias Christa comes from a character of a book she...
The Encyclopaedic Meaning of Erythros in Koine Greek Toponyms. A Cognitive Approach to the Definition of the Ancient Colour Cardinal Points System Summary The cartographic and historiographic traditions interpreting the Greek toponym Erythra Thalassa indicate this expression could designate several wa......
There is, however, a slight chance that this meaning became attached to νεκροτο with an ironic connotation, as when "German" was used as a synonym for drunkard or glutton in other parts of Europe, based on occasional observations of behavior which can often give rise to invidious ...
It has meaning for sort by column. FTP quick search box is case insensitive FTP - new field for change folder with history for each server stored in Recent.ini. ENTER confirm entry and send command to FTP server. New user highlighter definition for Solidity Open files panel - possibility to...
“Not exactly. There are people and activities in my life, but not enough meaning, not enough significance. I’m tired of transient personalities, throwaway relationships and plug-in lifestyles. By objective standards I’m successful, but I’m almost middle aged and bored with the future I se...
It is this persona that she uses when entering the military; in her innermost self, however, she is a melancholy, empty shell of a girl, uncertain of her true nature and personality and of her purpose and meaning in the world.[25] ...
This paper is the result of the author's longstanding reflections on the meaning and goals of existential psychotherapy, as well as on the methods that could contribute to realizing of these goals. The author defines his approach as ontocentric (from Greek "ontos"-"being"). The ideas of M...
The first meaning of the word kastriot is connected to the fortess or castle of the old time, which was called kastr-a, a derivative of the Latin castrum, or Greek kastra respectively, while the owner of a kastra or fortress was called kastriot. Later, this word became a denominator ...
[21] - it would thus dictate that no luxury goods would be purchased until "autarkiea" (self sufficiency) had been achieved, thus meaning that Athens must have had a solid economic and agricultural base in he "Pentecontaetia" (when we regard that luxury goods were, indeed, purchased in ...