108 JADE EN GUATEMALA: UNA HISTORIA DE INVESTIGACIÓNIn this work I review the history of research on jade in Guatemala. Changes in obtaining, producing, and the distribution of jade in the Maya world from the Preclassic to the Postclassic periods are addressed, as well as how archaeological...
Ciudades, iglesias, playas y destinos turísticos en la Ruta Maya La Antigua Guatemala, ciudad colonial Patrimonio de la Humanidad Calotmul Iglesia de San Andrés Xecul Chetumal, puerta a la Riviera Maya Bacalar pueblo mágico y la Laguna de los Siete Colores Zonas arqueológicas ...
The present article analyses The Popol Vuh through the lights shed by Lotmanian ideas about the literary sujet, and the cyclic and linear conceptions in cultural narratives, allowing for an explanation to some paradoxes contained in this magnum opus of...