Our histogram generator is also fully editable and interactive, letting your viewers explore the data in their own time.Displayr gets us out of PowerPoint and Excel and into a more advanced system where we all want to be. It almost makes the report building process more fun! Dan Genord ...
histogram n. 1. 直方图,柱形图,条形图(以不同长度或宽度的长方形条块表示不同数量以作比较)a diagram which uses rectangles(= bars) of different heights (and sometimes different widths) to show different amounts, so that they can be compared ...
For a nice evenly exposed image, the bars on your histogram should be an evenly distributed wide bell curve. 对于一张曝光均匀的图像来说,直方图中柱形应该呈现均匀的抛物线(钟型)分布。 JS Charts is a free lightweight javascript chart generator foundation to support the histogram, pie chart and ...
For a nice evenly exposed image, the bars on your histogram should be an evenly distributed wide bell curve. 对于一张曝光均匀的图像来说,直方图中柱形应该呈现均匀的抛物线(钟型)分布。 www.chinadiver.com 9. JS Charts is a free lightweight javascript chart generator foundation to support the histo...