HISAT-3N 是基于HISAT2开发的,特别针对 RNA测序技术进行了优化。【华男:但是HISAT2本身在split的时候会出现一些诡异的结果,这里还需要后续验证,至少我和师兄在DNA层面上证明HISAT-3N是性能优越的】 HISAT-3N 可用于任何碱基转换测序reads的mapping,包括: BS-seq SLAM-seq TAB-seq oxBS-seq TAPS scBS-seq scSLAM...
HISAT-3N 的设计基于HISAT2测序软件,加入了三核酸比对算法(three-nucleotide alignment algorithm)。HISAT-3N首先把reads和reference中所有的C都转化成T,然后用只有三种碱基的reads和只有三种碱基的reference做比对,最后根据原始序列过滤比对结果。 根据模拟的测序数据,HISAT-3N的运行速度远超过其他的比对软件,并且精确度在...
HISAT-3N 的设计基于HISAT2测序软件,加入了三核酸比对算法(three-nucleotide alignment algorithm)。HISAT-3N首先把reads和reference中所有的C都转化成T,然后用只有三种碱基的reads和只有三种碱基的reference做比对,最后根据原始序列过滤比对结果...
There hasn't been an update to the hisat-3n branch (or any branch for that matter) in about 2 years, so the original developers/maintainers may have graduated or moved on. I have used hisat-3n to align TimeLapse-seq/SLAM-seq data, but can say from experience that the benefit of usin...
Nucleotide conversion sequencing technologies such as bisulfite-seq and SLAM-seq are powerful tools to explore the intricacies of cellular processes. In this paper, we describe HISAT-3N (hierarchical indexing for spliced alignment of transcripts - 3 nucleotides), which rapidly and accurately aligns sequ...