The LORD requires us to broadcast His Word and His Prophecy to all. These Words are the Words of The LORD given in Prayer for the use, benefit, education and enlightenment of His Children.
A Christian Prophetic Website with daily Prophecy, Teachings, Testimony & Prayers. Be edified with the latest Prophetic Words for March 2025 and more!
According to a prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27, given by the angel Gabriel in about 538 B.C., the Messianic kingdom would be established 69 weeks after a commandment is issued to restore and to build Jerusalem. In the Hebrew language the word for week (shabua), being derived from the ...
Bible Prophecy Favorite Quotes Category Archives: Morning’s With Spurgeon Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 03.23.25 “His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.”~ Luke 22:44 ~ The mental pressure arising from our Lord’s struggle with temptation, so forc...
God and explains how chaotic world events are now fulfilling Bible prophecy. The Good News is that God is fully in charge, that He loves us still, and that there is a very real, fantastic future just ahead for those who choose to be part of God’s Kingdom. Quantity discounts available...
Another prophecy fulfilled, just as the Lord has spoken. God’s word never returns to Him void (Isaiah 55:11); He is faithful even to the faithless, and His word can never be shaken! Blog posted in February 2019. Coronavirus Cure Will Soon Be Released!
The Importance of ProphecyProphecies like Ezekiel 39 remind us of God's faithfulness to His promises and His ultimate victory over evil.Hope for BelieversDespite the chaos and opposition in the world, believers have hope in God's deliverance and the establishment of His kingdom.The Call to ...
when they submit to him as a Saviour, being willing to be saved by him, and him only, and to his righteousness, as their justifying righteousness before God, and to the sceptre of his kingdom, to his laws and commands, to his Gospel, and the ordinances of it; all which they do not...
s death on the cross being cleansed by his blood and the scripture is a prophecy about the crucifixion. The day that Christ died all believers were born children of God for the penalty of sin was paid. The travail of Zion in the prophecy is the travail of Christ for Zion is fulfilled ...
When people think of Biblical prophecy, they are often most concerned with the personal and practical implications of the “mystery” (a previously undisclosed truth or reality) of the “snatching away” or “gathering together” of the saints of God (living and dead) in what is popularly call...