First published byG3 Ministries In 1968 in apartheid South Africa, a young black man named Clive Haupt suffered a brain bleed while picnicking with his family. He was admitted to a Cape Town hospital under the care of Dr. Raymond Hoffenberg. Later that night, Dr. Hoffenberg was approached by...
Bill Cloud Ministries 8:30pm - 9:00pm30' Healing Harp - Steve Rees Steve Rees 9:00pm - 11:00pm2h The Journey - Dr. Deb, Miriam Stalsworth Dr. Deb Wiley,Miriam StalsworthMore Info 11:00pm - 12:00am1h Jackson Snyder Presents ...
His anointing has allowed us to work with dozens of businesses, organizations and ministries for over 2 decades with a proven track record of incredible success. We will utilize that experience to create your unique and most effective organization possible. Creative Process We use the Trinity ...
“We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.”~ Acts 14:22 ~ God’s people have their trials. It was never designed by God, when He chose His people, that they should be an untried people. They were chosen in the furnace of affliction; they were never chosen to...
Lyra was intoxicated; not about the North this time, but about London, and the restaurants and ballrooms, the soirées at embassies or ministries, the intrigues between White Hall and Westminster. Lyra was almost more fascinated by this than by the changing landscape below the airship. What ...
Advancing the Kingdom of God on the earth, proclaiming the good news of Christ and leading people to walk in the full redemptive work of Christ, using resources such as media, internet, christian seminars and bible teaching online and offline, online rad
in Russia, in France, in the Philippines and in the U.S. He knows his time is limited, and has swiftly released his hordes to attack, assault, sabotage and shatter lands, leaders, ministries, marriages, dreams, destiny, families and finances with his cunning schemes and clever strategies. ...
God still wants to use us sinful and broken vessels to proclaim His truths and help build His Kingdom. May we seek His Kingdom above our individual church and denominational affiliations, but may we also faithfully serve those who do come our way in the churches and ministries that God has...
Home→Published2022→July123…1718>> Monthly Archives:July 2022 Let Your Heart Beat Again! July 31, 2022Joyce D. McGuire This is not just a motivational speech. It is life changing Words backed up The Word of God. Continue reading → ...
We must daily remember to keep a kingdom perspective on whatever trials we face. My troubles in this life have rarely been a result of persecution for my faith. My troubles in this life are temporary, limited and tiny in comparison to Jesus’ suffering or the brutal persecution of our brot...