【集团简介】 哈里斯兰登医疗集团(Hirslanden)创立于1932年,总部设在苏黎世,是瑞士最大的医疗管理集团。该集团经营着17家顶级的私人医院、4家门诊诊所、16家放射影像中心和4家放射治疗中心,可为患者提供高质量、个性化的医疗服务。 哈里斯兰登医疗集团提供多种医疗服务,包括普通内科、外科、心脏病学、妇产科、神经科学等...
The positions in the table below reflect the Hirslanden Private Hospital Group's position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where Hirslanden Private Hospital Group is listed. Posit...
必应词典为您提供hirslanden的释义,网络释义: 哈里斯兰登;哈里斯兰登医疗管理集团;黑斯兰登;
Hirslanden chose to use Kaiku Health for monitoring patient reported outcomes as they found the platform to best suit their needs. Our goal is to provide the patients with the latest and best possible care. This involves adopting the latest technologies to complement the...
Overview With 14 hospitals in all of the greater Swiss cities, and a staff of over 1600 doctors – the Hirslanden Group is one of Switzerland’s major privately-held health care providers. As one of the centerpieces of the Group’s operations, the Hirsla
Hirslanden Group1990年 简介:Hirslanden集团成立于1990年,由几家医院合并而成。自2007年以来,它一直是国际医院集团Mediclinic International plc的一部分,该集团在伦敦证券交易所上市。 ...展开行业领域: 医疗 41443888585 官网投资项目 1 克莱尤尔 A轮 生命科学技术公司 投资轮次: A轮详情...
The Heart Center Hirslanden Zurich is the largest private heart center in Switzerland. State-of-the-art medicine at the highest, international recognized, quality level and highly personalized care by cardiologists and surgeons organized in partnership g