广岛和平纪念公园 Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!广岛和平纪念公园位于广岛市中心,1954年由日本建筑师丹下健三设计建造。公园内绿荫重重,春季樱花盛开,两条河流围绕公园流淌,与二战时期原子弹爆炸带来的严重创伤形成了鲜明对比。公园内有原子弹爆炸逝世者纪念碑、广岛和平纪念资料馆等。每年8...
The park's main facility is thePeace Memorial Museum. Consisting of two buildings, the museum surveys the history of Hiroshima and the advent of the nuclear bomb. Its main focus though is on the events of August 6: the dropping of the bomb and its outcome in human suffering. The personal...
The National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims is closed on December 30th and 31st, and admission is free. It has the same hours as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. Getting to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park © JNTO The route from Tokyo to the Peace Memorial Park is a...
This will be the “last chance” to hear first-hand from witnesses during a major anniversary, laments(哀叹) Kubo Masayuki, director of the Hiroshima National Peace Memorial Hall. The suffering of the hibakushaanimates Japan’s post-war pacifism(反战主义), as well as antinuclear ...
分享到Twitter 已复制到剪贴板! Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (Photo:Sarah Stierch/CC BY 4.0) 此页面并不完整——请浏览英文页面或是联络我们以在翻译版本上注册兴趣。 通知 To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, avirtual tourof the museum has been released, as well as a...
Peace Bell The Peace Bell was created with the hope to abolish nuclear weapons and achieve world peace. Created by bell-caster Masahiko Katori (considered a living National Treasure), the bell is embossed with a singular, unified world map without borders — symbolising an interconnected globe at...
Hiroshima National Peace Memorial Hall Atomic Bomb Memorial Burial Mound Bell of Peace Block Tower of Peace FIND ACCOMMODATIONS NEAR HIROSHIMA ATTRACTIONS Photo credit: victor miyakawa /CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons MAZDA Museum A free tour of MAZDA Museum takes some planning, but...
广岛和平纪念符号(hiroshima-peace-memorial-symbols) 资源编号 : 44611445 格式: jpg 文件体积 : 1m 分辨率 : 2924 x 1924 JPG 1m 名称 分辨率 格式 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 收藏 评论 在线编辑 图片编辑 详情页 投诉 分享 爱给网提供海量的高清图库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品...
Designed by Kenzō Tange and inaugurated in 1955, the museum is now a national and international symbol for peace. What you’ll find at the museum Evocative exhibits at the museum include a blistered and fused tricycle that a 4-year-old boy was riding during the blast that burned him to...
Hiroshima peace memorial ceremony held, THE INDEPENDENTTowheed Feroze