MarsThe HiRISE camera features a 0.5 m diameter primary mirror, 12 m effective focal length, and a focal plane system that can acquire images containing up to 28 Gb (gigabits) of data in as little as 6 seconds. HiRISE will provide detailed images (0.25 to 1.3 m/pixel) covering ???
NASA HiRise团队分享火星蜿蜒峡谷照:像极了一条巨龙 据外媒报道,当用活跃的想象力来欣赏一张火星照片时你可能会发现自己看到了长绒地毯、《星际迷航》的徽章或吃豆人,不过在NASA火星勘测轨道飞行器(Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter,以下简称MRO)的HiRise摄像头看来,这张火星照片会让人想到一条龙。HiRise团队在周六...
“火星勘测轨道器”(Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter,MRO)的多用途火星探测器,于2005年8月12日由宇宙神-5运载火箭发射。任务目标为探测火星气候状况,研究火星气候和季节变化的物理机制;确定火星地形分层特性,观测火星表面热流活动,搜寻水的证据;为以后的火星着陆任务寻找适合的着陆地点,同时为这些任务提供通信中继功能。探测...
“火星勘测轨道器”(Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter,MRO)的多用途火星探测器,于2005年8月12日由宇宙神-5运载火箭发射。任务目标为探测火星气候状况,研究火星气候和季节变化的物理机制;确定火星地形分层特性,观测火星表面热流活动,搜寻水的证据;为以后的火星着陆任务寻找适合的着陆地点,同时为这些任务提供通信中继功能。探测...
Mars Orbiter Shows Gullies on Mars Not Likely Formed by Liquid Water Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Reveals Frosted Dunes on Mars New HiRISE Image of a “Fresh” Crater Near Sirenum Fossae Orbiter Examines Clues to Possible Water Flows on Mars Linear Gullies on Mars Caused by Sliding Dry-Ice...
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- The HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter recently sent home eye-catching views of NASA's InSight lander and its Curiosity rover, said a release of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) on Wednesday. ...
The HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter recently sent home eye-catching views of the agency's InSight lander and its Curiosity rover.
Using the HiRISE camera,NASA’sMarsReconnaissance Orbiter captured a new image of Curiosity and the components that helped it survive its seven-minutes of terror descent from space to its present location in Mars’ Gale Crater. Late Monday night, an image from the High Resolution Imaging Science...
高分辨率成像科学实验(HiRISE)设备专门用于获取分辨率空前的火星地表图像。火星勘测轨道器(MRO)由美国宇航局喷气推进 …|基于324个网页 2. 轨道器高清晰照相机 然而最近由美国火星勘察轨道器高清晰照相机(HiRISE)拍摄的新照片,终于将这张“人脸”的真面貌展现在了人类的面前,它确实 … ...
Critically, HiRISE and its orbital platform Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) (Zurek and Smrekar, 2007) have been operating near continuously from 2006 up until the writing of this report, which equates to nearly 8 Mars years of monitoring (Mars Year (MY) 28–36). This time period includes...