Workers are placing greater value on location flexibility, with recent surveys finding over half (58%) of people would accept a pay cut in exchange for the option to work remotely from anywhere. FlexJobs defines a “work-from-anywhere (WFA) job” as any fully remote role that is free of ...
The situation in Mexico is complicated, but it’s an example of how tax and other authorities continue to look to ways to protect their tax bases and workers. The bottom line is that if you’re thinking of engaging an employer of record or similar limited-footprint option such as ...
ThoughtWorks Singapore | Singapore, Singapore | Interviews with ThoughtWorkers of diverse backgrounds and roles; Simple, live paired coding exercise in language of choice focused on clean code, not speed. Followed by refactoring paired interview, and technical discussion on modelling and system design,...
The departmentposted the job opening for conservation officerson Facebook, saying that viable applicants "must have ability to hike in strenuous conditions," crawl into bear dens, and trust that their coworkers will keep them safe. They acknowledge that "not all law enforcement field work is thi...
It hurts to see that Foxconn actually brought on 100,000 ADDITIONAL workers in June to handle the iPhone demand. I know that the costs of manufacturing in China is sooooooooo much less than manufacturing in the US, but wouldn't you pay another $100 if Apple would m...
Down Mexico way. (North Carolina manufacturers facing hiring of Mexican factory workers upon approval of North American Free Trade Agreement) (International Business Report)Zelenko, Laura
Onmi Interactionsis hiring 1099 gig workers for customer service roles. Leave the 9-to-5, set your own hours, and work from home. As a gig worker with Omni, you are self-employed, working your own hours and providing customer support. What makes us different? It’s simple: We pay for...
In an outsourcing model, the service provided is finished work. Relay’s Staff Hosting service puts the customer in direct contact with its remote team, with the remote workers becoming part of the customer’s team and culture. How does Relay compare to freelancing?
Mexico. To be “substantial trade”, over 50% of the total volume of trade conducted by the entity in Canada must be between Canada and the United States or Mexico. The applicant must be employed in a capacity that is executive or supervisory or involves essential skills or services. ...
As such, the president and his team today will immediately prioritize tackling the national security and public safety threats that have resulted from our open border,” a Trump official said. Lead Art: Migrants from Mexico and Guatemala are apprehended by ...