第1题答案:Charlton 对应原文:TheCharlton Room – C-H-A-R L-T-O-N.That’s got seating for up to one hundred. 答案解析:考察字母拼写,本身没有什么难度,只要不受到前面main hall的干扰就好。 第2题答案:115 对应原文:So from six pm to midnight that’d be£115– that’s the weekend price, ...
Complete the notes below. WriteONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBERfor each answer. HIRING A PUBLIC ROOM Example • the Main Hall - seats200 Room and cost • the1Room - seats 100 • Cost of Main Hall for Saturday evening:2£+ £250 deposit (3payment is required) ...
"hiring a public room"这篇雅思听力答案主要涉及租房相关细节。具体来说,对话中提到的关键信息有:女士想租Village Hall的房间,用于9月1日晚上举办慈善晚宴,预计会有至少150人参加,所以选择了Main Hall;租金为晚上6点到午夜12点共£11.5,且需支付£250的押金,押金在无损坏情况下可退还,但押金需现金支付;场地使用...
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. HIRING A PUBLIC ROOM Example ● the Main Hall – seats ……….200………. Room and cost ● the Room – seats 100 ● Cost of Main Hall for Saturday evening: £ + £250 deposit ( payment is required) ● Cost includes use of ...
剑桥雅思11Test1Section1听力原文与答案 hiring a public room 剑桥雅思11听力第一套题目第一部分的主题为场地租赁,内容包括房间的大小,花费,设施,活动前、活动中、以及活动后的各种注意事项。整体难度比较符合目前雅思听力考试的水平。 点击查看这篇雅思听力中需要大家掌握的重点词汇与具体题目的答案解析: ...
Hiring a public room 场地租赁 剑桥雅思11 Test1 Section1听力答案解析 第1题答案:Charlton 对应原文:The Charlton Room–C-H-A-R L-T-O-N.That’s got seating for up to one hundred. 答案解析:考察字母拼写,本身没有什么难度,只要不受到前面main hall的干扰就好。
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. HIRING A PUBLIC ROOM Example ● the Main Hall – seats ……….200………. Room and cost ● the Room – seats 100 ● Cost of Main Hall for Saturday evening: £ + £250 deposit ( payment is required) ● ...
Hiring A Public Room 显示生词显示重点词 本文词汇 Tip:单击查看句义;划选/双击查生词 [03:04.53]###_1_OFFICIAL:_###Hello? [03:05.40]###_2_WOMAN:_###Oh, hello.[03:06.60]I wanted to enquire about hiring a room in the Village Hall, for the evening of September the first. [03:13.80...
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer HIRING A PUBLIC ROOM Example the Main Hall—seats 200 Room and cost the 1 Room—seats 100 Cost of Main Hall for Saturday evening: 2 £ +£250 deposit 3 payment is required) Cost includes use of tables and chairs and also 4 Additio...
考满分 ielts C11 - Test 1 - Section1 - Hiring A Public Room 结束训练 PART A PART B 00:00 00:00 第一段 - 350.0 秒 第1句 - 0.9 秒 第2句 - 8.4 秒 第3句 - 15.0 秒 第4句 - 1.0 秒 第5句 - 11.1 秒 第6句 - 14.8 秒 第7句 - 5.4 秒 第8句 - 2.2 秒 第9句 - ...