The Hiriko, meaning “urban” in Basque, was originally developed at MIT’s Media Lab as CityCar, an offshoot of the Smart Cities Research Group. The vehicle has been under development since 2003 with the help of General Motors. A test version of the car is now being produced by Hiriko ...
Hiriko 是一款还处在概念阶段的环保小汽车,它是开始是来自于 MIT Media Lab 在2012年1月24日在欧洲公开的全套Hiriko stackable electric citycar城市小汽车设计。Hiriko 小汽车的底盘可以折叠,使之只需使用很少地方就能停车,并且它还能够灵活转弯,接受电脑的操控。它的轮子集成了电动发动机驱动,急停与制动都比较方便。