Its free translation in English is the same as Hiri Moale--'Hiri happiness' or 'Hiri festivity'--but Hiri Moale is a phrase in 'Hiri Motu' (a.k.a. Historicizing Edai Siabo: a contemporary argument about the pre-colonial past among the Motu-Koita of Papua New Guinea Rose was handling...
Since it seemed impossible to print publications in every language, the brothers later concentrated their efforts on the two trade languages —Hiri Motuand Tok Pisin. 这两种语言是希里莫图语和巴布亚皮钦语,是贸易时用的语言。 jw2019 Although English is the official language today, large numbers of ...
candidature languages being taught in Australian universities, including Pitjantjatjara, were noted by Muhlhausler (1996) who commented on the scant attention paid to Indigenous languages as well as the absence of (Australian) regionally significant languages such as Bislama, Tok Pisin and Hiri Motu...