You can learn hiragana in less than two weeks using this book if you can set aside a few minutes a day to study. Helpful Mnemonics Fully Illustrated Covers all forty-six main characters plus all the variations History and helpful hints throughout Writing Practice Sheets Download and print more...
Writing Practice Here's a set ofHiragana practice sheets, with stroke order, grey characters to trace, and boxes for practice. And here's a set forKatakana. Having trouble understanding something? Anything I've missed? Please send your feedback using thecontactform and help me improve this si...
Well, this is technically not a "chart" (it's more of a book), but if you are looking for something that is a hybrid ofallthe features we've shown so far — mnemonics, stroke order, and writing practice — check outTofugu's Learn Hiragana Book. ...
Below is given annual work summary, do not need friends can download after editor deleted!!! Welcome to visit again XXXX annua..