Hiragana_PracticeChart ki ku si su ti tu ni hi mi ri nu hu mu yu ru
A lot of hiragana charts are awful. Find the chart that's right for you. Choose from our curated list of best charts and learn hiragana fast.
Figure out which kana got the slowest response time (you are least likely to remember) and take time to practice. The history reports can always be queried by: python3 kanaquiz.py -q Check the hiragana/katakana chart at any time if you can't remember them by: ...
I went back to Wikipedia and the Unicode chart several times before I was convinced that hiragana se really resembles katakana sa (せサ) and not se, and hiragana fu really resembles katakana ho (ふホ) and not fu. OK, back to the repeated drill. There are some sets in hiragana: Fives...
However, that's not all, of course. It also comes with additional writing practice, where you trace over and handwrite the characters. Even if you are not ready to write hiragana yet, this extra hands-on practice will help you remember them. Since it's in PDF format and doesn't come ...