Without mastering it, you’d be hard-pressed to advance further in your Japanese language studies. So let’s get cracking, memorize your hiragana and ditch the romaji. You can learn how to write hiragana by playing our popular alphabet typing game. You can also learn how to pronounce these...
Learn Japanese! provides a fast and easy way to learn the Japanese language. Features include: - Writing lessons with all Hiragana and Katakana. - Lessons with…
Lean Japanese "Hiragana"! This is a very first step of studying Japanese. The app has very simple function, just showing hiragana and pronounce how to read it,…
How do you pronounce the following, characters? No cheating! The answers are at the very bottom of the post 1.ら2.つ3.ろ4.す5.い How did you do? I hope you got them all right, but if not, no worries. Go back and drill those sounds until you have them. ...
Japanska Katakana & Hiragana æfa að skrifa hratt og auðvelt hvenær sem er, hvar sem er! ParaCrawl Corpus - Pronounce online, Romanji and hiragana - Fréttaðu á netinu, Romanji og hiragana ParaCrawl Corpus 装载更多 最...
Listening to Japanese audio files is good practice for your pronunciations. Try to listen to them repeatedly to learn the proper sounds.
How to read, write, and pronounce hiragana Hiragana is a set of characters used to write Japanese words. Over 240 common Japanese words used in anime Grammar to understand basic Japanese sentences (50+ tutorials) Listening skills with over 4000 lines of dialogue by pro Japanese voice actors...
Audio speech examples demonstrate how to pronounce each character. Exciting gameplay with familiar RPG elements – collect items, complete quests, engage in battles! Earn experience points and level up your characters. Revise completed lessons to brush up on your knowledge. In-game quizzes to...
This page shows the Japanese Hiragana, how to pronounce the letter individually, and how the letter sounds within words. LetterRomajiPronounceExample あ a あくしゅする あるくあられあか い i はいゆうはちじゅういちだいだいいろせんせい ろくじゅういち う u とりょう うまびょうしつご...
The complexity starts with how it's really three systems, plus a fourth used to render foreign words literally and to represent Japanese so that people who don't know the language can pronounce words, at least approximately. Kanji is the first part. These are adopted Chinese logograms, ...